Saint Max Church


Leading up to St. Joseph's Feast Day we, as a parish, will pray the St. Joseph Novena beginning on March 10. Sign up to receive a daily email  reminder with that day's prayers.

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St. Joseph's Altar

The St. Joseph's Altar is a Sicilian tradition dating back to the Middle Ages. The origin of these altars comes from a time of great famine for the people of Sicily.  They had been experiencing a  terrible drought.  In response they prayed that St. Joseph would intercede on their behalf. When their prayers were answered they wanted to honor St. Joseph.  They did so by bringing to the altar of St. Joseph the first fruits of their crops and other food and drink.  Just as the Israelites had done in honor of God’s blessings, the people gave their best to God first in gratitude for His bountiful gifts.

After that,  they continued to honor him and create beautiful altars filled with a variety of foods.  For the duration of the novena leading up to the feast day, the altars would be decorated.  Then, either on the vigil of the feast or the feast day itself, there would be a communal celebration at which they would eat food from the.  When everyone had all they could eat, the rest of the food was given to the poor!


The Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

Friday, March 19

Mass times: 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM 

First Penance & First Eucharist Preparation