Saint Max Church

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell Choir rings at Mass along with the choristers and other instrumentalists according to a published schedule (usually every 4-5 weeks).  We also ring on Christmas Day, Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday.  We also try to participate in one festival-type event every other year (Spring or Summer).

Handbells are a unique set of instruments in which each player is responsible for 2 to 4 notes on the grand staff. Because of this, attendance at weekly rehearsals is a must. It is, of course, understood that things come up and it is impossible to be 100%.   However, all ringers are asked to make a full season commitment to participate in this ministry.  Regular attendance at scheduled rehearsals as well as Masses/events must be a priority.  

That being said, our aim is to make beautiful music and have lots of fun too! 


Register for the Handbell Choir

Ministry Contacts

Ron Miller, Director of Music Ministry
(513) 777-4322
Ext 108
Veronica Murphy, Handbell Director