Saint Max Church

Updated Information

Beginning June 25 and 26, 2022
our weekend Mass schedule will be:
Saturdays 4:30 PM
Sundays 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM


Questions? Please contact:

Mary Ella Wielgos
Pastoral Associate for Worship and Sacraments

513-777-4322 x109

New Sunday Mass Schedule

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you are already aware, beginning Friday, June 24, I will be the only priest assigned to St. Max.

I remain sincerely grateful to be your pastor and I look forward to the many ways God will continue to draw us closer to His Son, especially as we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a parish family.

In recent months I have shared with you the need to reduce the number of Masses on the weekend from four Masses, to three Masses per weekend. 

In March, 815 parishioners participated in a parish wide survey giving us feedback on preferred Mass times. Thank you! Your feedback was vitally important and I am very grateful to have received all of your comments and suggestions.

After the survey closed, the Worship and Sacraments Commission extensively reviewed the responses. After much prayer, discussion and discernment, they submitted their recommendation to me for our new Mass schedule. After my own period of discernment, I agreed with their recommendation, and so I am excited to share with you our new Mass schedule.

Beginning June 25 and 26, 2022
our weekend Mass schedule will be:
Saturdays 4:30 PM
Sundays 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Our weekday Masses will continue to be held at 8:30 AM, Monday through Saturday. However, beginning June 20th, there will no longer be a 6:30 AM option on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In addition to our current confession times, beginning that week, confessions will also be offered Tuesdays through Saturdays after morning Mass.

I encourage you to continue to be attentive to the bulletin and other sources of communication from the parish so as to help you stay informed and reminded of this upcoming transition. If you have any concerns or questions, please direct them to Mary Ella Wielgos, Pastoral Associate for Worship and Sacraments, 513-777-4322 x109,

Please pray for me as I will continue to pray for you.

God bless,
Fr. Jim Riehle
Pastor, St. Maximilian Kolbe Church

More Information On Why Mass Times Are Changing

As a parish family, we have received numerous blessings. One of those blessings is that Fr. Jim will continue to be our pastor. Fr. Simon Peter has been a blessing to our parish in so many ways over the last few years and sadly for us, will be traveling home to Uganda at the end of June. When he leaves, he will not be replaced and Fr. Jim will be our only assigned priest.

We are very blessed that even while having only 1 priest as our spiritual shepherd, the vast majority of our experience as a parish will not change. There is one aspect of our parish life that will need to be reevaluated, however, and that is our Sunday Mass schedule. To ensure our pastor can remain spiritually and physically healthy and our communal sense of the liturgical celebration continues to grow, it is important for us to reduce the current number of Sunday Masses from three to two.

While it may seem concerning to some to reduce our Mass times to two Masses on a Sunday, for our parish family it will be a blessing as more of us will be gathered together to celebrate the Eucharist, and the pews will not be ½ empty. Celebrating the Mass and worshiping our heavenly Father through the sacrifice of His Son as one community is the most important thing our parish does, and the graces will come in ways we cannot begin to imagine.  

Should you have any questions, please contact Mary Ella Wielgos, Pastoral Associate for Worship and Sacraments at or 513-777-4322 x109.

First Penance & First Eucharist Preparation

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • 815 parishioners participated in the Sunday Mass Survey. Thank you!
  • 179 parishioners participated in the Weekday Mass Survey. Thank you!
  • The Saturday 4:30 PM Mass time remains on our parish weekend Mass schedule.
  • We will continue to live stream our Masses no matter what the times are.
  • St. Max will most likely be the first parish in the area to reevaluate their Mass times. Other nearby parishes will be forming a Family of Parishes and their need to determine any changes in Mass times is not as immediate as ours. 
  • A Sunday evening Mass at St. Max is not an option for us at this time. Since we are reducing to having only 2 Masses on Sunday, both of those need to be held in the morning.