Becoming Catholic
is for adults who are considering becoming full members of the Catholic Church. This includes people who are seeking the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation, but also those who come from another faith tradition.
For questions, please contact Dave Brunsman at: dbrunsman@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322, Ext. 137.
Meeting Times
Inquiry for Becoming Catholic meets during the following times:
Tuesday Evening – 7 PM – Room 2/3
Thursday Evening – 7 PM – Room 16
Feel free to tell us you’re coming, or simply stop in!
NOTE: Please know that the rooms and schedule is subject to change. Contact Dave Brunsman at BecomingCatholic@saint-max.org to be sure we will be gathering on your intended visit.
Becoming Catholic
Sunday Sessions for Becoming Catholic
9 AM-Noon
(Includes Mass attendance, dismissal from Mass and topic discussions).Out of respect for your time and for that of the Becoming Catholic Team, while we do our very best to end our sessions at 12:00 PM, sometimes, we may go past this intended time. We ALWAYS end by 12:30 PM.