Ministry Leader Resources
“Christ has no body on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which He looks compassionately on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours!”
- St. Teresa of Avila
To Minister to Others
Scheduling an Event
To schedule an event or fundraiser at St. Max, please complete the scheduling request form. Review the Scheduling and Usage Policies before submitting this form. After completion, you will receive a confirmation email once your request is approved and a room is reserved. Questions? Contact FacilitiesScheduler@saint-max.org.
Creating Promotions
All designs shared with the parish must be approved by the Communications department. Our Communications staff is happy to create designs to promote ministry events. Simply, complete our design request form. For the best publicity, we strongly encourage submitting the request form 60 days before the event date.
Communication to the Parish
Bulletin entries and all parish communication requests can be emailed to Communications@saint-max.org. All communications requests are subject to editing, prioritization and rescheduling by the Pastoral Team. Bulletin submissions are due before noon on Mondays. Questions? Contact Communications@saint-max.org.

“We must free ourselves to be filled by God.
Even God cannot fill what is full.”
- Mother Teresa
To Be Filled
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
All ministry leaders are encouraged to invite those with whom you serve to come to a holy hour together. Take this special time to pray together, silently or out loud for your ministry and family members!
Spend an Hour with Our Lord
Each Thursday in the church, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed following the 8:30AM Mass throughout the day ending with the Rite of Benediction at 8:00PM. Exposition also takes place on First Fridays until Benediction at 7pm and the Mondays of Advent and Lent until Benediction at 5pm.
We have automatic doors to the entrance of the church, gym and breezeway so you will not need keys. If your event or meeting is appropriately scheduled with our facilities scheduler, the automatic doors will be open for your ministry meeting or event.
Yes, please contact the parish office administrative assistants to make arrangements for a date and time convenient for both parties, and please plan ahead so as to avoid last minute requests.
Please contact your pastoral team member or the administrative assistants in the parish office who will be happy to check our stock of supplies. More often than not, you will find your needs readily available in the parish office.
The storage closet located near the kitchen in the hallway by the gym is stocked with paper products for your ministry’s use. Events involving more than 100 people, please contact the facilities manager.
It is preferable that all purchases be made through the parish office. Please contact your pastoral team member with any and all requests. If you purchase items for your ministry without first checking with the staff, do not assume you will be reimbursed.
The first rule for use of the kitchen is that it is imperative you meet with a member of the facilities team prior to your event. All directives will be given to you at this time. Even if you host this event annually, our kitchen has new equipment and safety procedures of which you need to be made aware. Contact FacilitiesTeam@saint-max.org to arrange.
No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to work in the kitchen.
“Teach us to give and not count the cost.”
— St. Ignatius of Loyola