Serve One Another

Councils & Commissions Discernment 2025

Each spring we seek new members for our parish councils and commissions through a process of discernment. We pray to the Holy Spirit to guide the hearts of parishioners in this discernment process. You are encouraged to prayerfully consider how you might be called to help serve our parish as a member of one of our parish councils or commissions. Parishioners can nominate themselves or other parishioners. Nominees should be fully-initiated Catholics and registered St. Max parishioners who regularly participate in the life of the parish. Nominations should be submitted to the parish office, dropped in the collection bin, or submitted online by Friday, March 28, 2025.

Nominees will be contacted to ask if they will consider potentially serving and will be provided the necessary information to make their decision. After self-reflection and prayer, those who feel called to serve can submit their names confidentially for the council or commission to which they feel called. The discernment process will culminate on Pentecost Sunday. At one of the Masses that weekend, names will be drawn from among all who have discerned possible membership. Those chosen will begin their terms this summer.

Commission Openings & Descriptions

  • • Supports the growth of ministries that advocate Catholic Social Teaching and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

    • Inspires the parish to perform and spread works of charity and justice in a spirit of respect for the dignity of all people.

    Contact: Dale Casto, Chair,

  • • Strives to develop a culture of stewardship in the parish emphasizing that all things are gifts from God.

    • Plans and implements parish activities to foster fellowship.

    Contact: Biz Ebben, Chair,

  • • Ensures worship and sacraments remain central to parish life.

    • Supports the effective preparation and celebration of liturgy and lay liturgical and sacramental preparation ministries.

    View the full description here

    Contact: Bob Gloeckner, Chair,

  • • Creates ways to listen and stay in touch with the concerns and needs of parishioners while providing feedback to the pastor.

    • Develops goals and policies, offers consultation and evaluates parish programs

    Contact: Beth Kindel, Chair,