When you are in high school, life is challenging. Youā€™re expected to somehow balance school, family, friends, sports, and clubs. With such great responsibilities, where do you find God in this Ablaze regularly meets on Sundays from 7-9pm, unless otherwise noted. Youth nights consist of fun with friends, a hint of faith formation, and worship to build relationships with your sisters and brothers in-Christ, and with God. We also offer opportunities throughout the year for retreat, and social, and service events. Through authentic Christian community, one finds belonging and purpose. Subscribe to text notifications here.

Upcoming Dates

Winter/Spring 2025

February 23:

Face Time - Church

7:00 - 9:00 PM

March 2:

Cloud Storage - Person of Christ

7:00 - 9:00 PM

March 9:

Full Battery - Sacraments

7:00-9:00 PM

March 16:

Adoration Night

7:00-9:00 PM

Youth Ministry

Important Updates

  • Ablaze will be inviting our Chapter of Dead Theologians Society (or DTS) to present their programming for this week. To find out more information about DTS please, go to our DTS webpage or email DTS@saint-max.org with any questions. Our regular programming will continue with Teen Dating on Feb. 2nd just in time for Valentineā€™s Day!

    Due to the Superbowl on Feb. 9th, Ignite and Ablaze will be moved. Ignite will start at 12:15pm immediately after the 11am Mass. Ablaze will take place at 2:15pm.

    Thank you to everyone who responded in regard to our Parent Meeting and Potluck date! We will be meeting Feb. 16th at 5:30pm to dig into some delicious food! The event will end by 7:30pm at the latest. There is still time to sign up to bring something here.

  • Please look at the Parent Letter sent home yesterday regarding the addition of Life Teen/Edge Curriculum. In addition, fill out the form for our parent meeting/roundtable for the Spring. We will need to have a decided date by the end of the week.

    SAVE THE DATE! Spring Retreat is April 25th-27th at Montezuma Retreat House in Montezuma, OH. Teens will arrive in the evening on Friday and depart Sunday morning. More details to come soon.

    Steubenville Registration remains open and we need our final numbers by Jan. 15th. There are about 10 spots remaining. The deposit is $50. More details on fundraising and transportation will also be coming soon.

  • Hi everyone, you may have previously seen that we were having a joint Ignite and Ablaze night paired with our parent meeting this Sunday, Jan. 5th. This is no longer the case.

    Due to a family emergency in my own life and needing to take time off of work, we are slightly behind schedule with the full rollout of our Life Teen program and all pieces. I will be reaching out early next week with an updated date and time for our parent meeting regarding Life Teen/Edge for you all to put to your family calendars.

    This week, we will remain with our normal format of Ablaze (now affiliated with Life Teen) at 7pm. As always, please reach out with any questions and I will be back in touch as soon as possible.


We're so glad you are here! All important information for parents can be found on this page.

Parent Meeting & Potluck

Medical Release Form - Please make sure your child's medical release form for the 2024-25 is completed for school year prior to September 8, 2024. These can be turned into the front office. This is essential for your child's safety and well-being and is required to participate in Parish activities in the future. If you are unsure if it is completed, or you are having difficulty obtaining one, please contact us.

Volunteer Form - Please sign-up to volunteer as a SafeParish volunteer! In order to ensure the safety of your child, we partake in the SafeParish program of Child Protection. We require at least one parent volunteer per youth night. However, in order to give the children the best experience possible, 2-4 adults are ideal. Please graciously consider donating your time to help the program.

Steubenville Retreat Registration - Duration of the conference is June 27-29, 2025. Registration for a guaranteed spot is due by the morning of May 1. The non-refundable $50 deposit is also due by that morning and can be turned into the front office. All forms and paperwork must be turned in by May 15, 2025.

Subscribe to Text Notifications - Stay up to date on all the latest new and reminders sent to your phone!


Kaitlyn Briedis

Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry


513-777-4322 Ext. 118