I Am Called
As I reflect on my journey, I remember that God has placed me here, in this time and place, to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Through my baptism, I am called to be His disciple, using the unique gifts He has given me. I don't need to be perfect, but faithful—trusting that God will equip me every step of the way.
Join us as we share our stories of parishioner-led initiatives to encounter, follow, and serve Christ in His Church.
To Encounter…
Have you ever stopped to consider that the same God you kneel before in Adoration, is the same God that the Magi traveled to adore? Just as the Magi followed the star “and came to do Him homage” (Matthew 2:2), during Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we come to worship Jesus 2000 years later.
By Nathan Forsthoefel
I stepped off the train in northern Virginia after traveling back north from Focus missionary training in Ave Maria Florida. Having not participated in a mission trip since the early 2000’s, I did not know what to expect. In the early 2000’s, my father and I traveled with our parish, St. Maximilian Kolbe, to West Liberty, Kentucky to lend a hand replacing a family’s deck and accessibility ramp that had been destroyed during a storm the previous year…
“The Poverty Within Ourselves”
No matter who you are, nonbeliever, cradle Catholic, or anywhere in-between, you’ve got questions, and that’s what Alpha is all about. Alpha is for anyone who is curious. Alpha is a good pathway for those who want to return to church.
To Follow…
What does the Church teach about the purpose of the state and our role in civil society?
Join Fr. Jim on January 15 at 7:00 PM in the St. Patrick’s conference room for a discussion about these topics and how Catholics are called to live in the world, but not be “of the world.”
From Head to Heart Series
“God Leads, We Follow”
By Kevin Shook
My wife, Dawn, and I moved to Liberty Township from the Washington, D.C. suburbs in 2017. Dawn and I met in January 2004 while serving in the Virginia Army National Guard. Our unit was preparing to deploy to Mosul, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This was at a point in my life when I was a single dad, with two young children that I was leaving behind, and I was feeling lost and full of self-pity. I had lost sight of God. Dawn was a practicing Catholic who converted to the faith in 1999. She asked me to join her in attending Sunday Mass and, being in a war zone, I felt that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Going back to Mass gave me comfort and hope and it released the burden of my problems…
Our Stephen Ministry is a ministry of pastoral care that equips the laity to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Stephen Ministry
To Love…
By an Anonymous St. Max Family
Each day in our house, we are thankful for two courageous women who chose life.
In 1966, Sean’s* birth mother found herself single and pregnant. His birth father was unsupportive yet she made the brave decision to bring him into the world. Her choice gave us the gift of Sean’s life.
Sean spent the first part of his life in foster care before being adopted. So, when it came time to grow our family, we always knew adoption through foster care would be part of our path…
“We have a 5-day old baby boy; would you like him?”
By Paul Verbarg
The vision for the Serenelli Project as a whole is to create a monastic community for men coming out of prison; it will focus on work, prayer, service, and recovery. The intent is to atone for the worst crimes and sinners. The project is named after Alessandro Serenelli who served 27 years in prison for murder. After his release, he spent the rest of his life as a penitent in a monastery, serving as a lay brother. This project will also provide a means for our “returning citizens” to acquire work skills, to aid their development and move into society. Since this is a monastery and not a halfway house, they can choose to stay…
Serenelli Project
Join us for a themed date night each First Friday of the month, beginning with First Friday Mass, followed by snacks, fellowship & formation! Please feel free to bring wine, beer or an appetizer to share.