Jesus Loves the Little Children

By Karen Borgemenke

About a month ago, at a Sunday Mass, there was a young family sitting in front of us. The sweet, little baby girl peeked and smiled at us all Mass long. Fast forward a couple of weeks, and we found them sitting next to us. This same, sweet little one reaching out for “peace,” turning and smiling throughout the Mass. What joy it has brought me to see young families moving up front with their kiddos to keep them engaged…I remember being there myself, so well.

It brought back so many memories of my own days as a young mother and getting my little ones to Mass. Oftentimes, Dave, my husband, was on call at the hospital and I would have to take all of them to Mass by myself. What seemed like a daunting task though, turned into opportunities to grow relationships with the people in my church family.

It would have been so difficult to persevere had I not had the encouragement from strangers who became family. People who reminded me of the graces I received from my efforts to bring the little ones…even when I wrestled them all Mass long, and didn’t feel like I got anything out of the Mass. There were people who held babies, occupied toddlers, and were the extra set of arms for me. There were people who showed up and met me at penance services to sit with my kids in a pew, while I could have a much-needed confession. There was one special older woman, who sent me notes of encouragement, especially on Mother’s Day. Her term of endearment for me was “little mother.”

It is said that “It takes a village.” I think it takes a church family. Our kids would not be the same people if we didn’t have so many of our St. Max family in our lives…people who have encouraged them in their lives not only on the church grounds, but on the baseball fields, at dance recitals and competitions, at graduation parties, weddings, and who continue to bless their lives in so many ways.

If you find yourself wondering if it is worth the effort to wrangle those little ones and struggle with them all through the Mass, I would say a resounding yes! God will shower you with so many graces.

If you need words of encouragement, or another set of arms, look around you…there is likely someone near you that has been right where you are. And, if you want to find me, I am always willing to lend a hand. We can be found in our usual spot…9:00 Mass, center, front section on the right, last couple of pews.

Bring your little ones, sit up front, don’t be afraid to ask for a hand, persevere, and be blessed. Jesus loves the little children!


A Legacy of Faith


“We have a 5-day old baby boy; would you like him?”