Saint Max Church

Outreach Commission

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.


- Matthew 25: 35-36


The Outreach Commission supports the growth of ministries at St. Max that advocate the vision of Catholic Social Teaching and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  The Outreach Commission strives to inspire the parish community to perform and spread works of charity and justice within and beyond the parish boundaries, in a spirit of respect for the dignity of all people.

Vetted Charitable Organizations

The Outreach Commission Logo

The Outreach Commission logo consists of three primary components.

The globe: As members of the Outreach Commission, we look to the St. Max community and beyond, and how our efforts impact God's larger community. Our responsibilities to God's creation do not stop at the water's edge.

The hands: The hands represent our duty to reach out to those in need regardless of their appearance or physical, emotional or spiritual state. The colors of the hands represent the diversity of the Outreach Commission, the St. Max community, and the whole of humankind. God makes no distinction to appearance. We are reminded that many hands working together are evidence of God's Kingdom in the world. It is in service to our neighbors - locally and around the world - that help to preach the Gospel daily.

The Cross: The Cross at the center of the logo reminds us that just as Christ is central in the lives of Christians and members of the St. Max parish, Christ is central in our mission and the people we seek to help. While Jesus walked the earth, he led by example and embraced those who no one else wanted to or those who were pariahs. While on the cross, Jesus himself exemplified the pariah and challenged all of us to embrace him as he had done for us.

The logo is encased in a circular, four-pane window. The flame at the top represents the Holy Spirit that directs the minds and hearts of all commissions of St. Max. The four panes represent the church building - the place from which we are sent forth to glorify God with our lives.

Ministry Contacts

Dale Casto

Outreach Commission Members