Saint Max Church

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My Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

It has been a while since I last shared an update on the “progress”, slow as it is, with our new space. To the casual observer it may appear that not much has transpired since my last update in March. You may recall, that although the major construction phase was complete, a punch list of outstanding items needed resolution, including carpentry improvements, flooring issues, door hardware problems, a broken window and life-safety updates. These items are now completed.

Another major hold-up was the installation of the speaker strobe devices used within our alarm system. This upgrade, a recent building code statute, forced us to update the entire campus. Unfortunately after they were installed, a high pitched ringing could be heard throughout parts of the building. To address this feedback a supervisory circuit was recommended and of course was on back order. It has been installed and the issue resolved. This means that we are ready to schedule the final life-safety inspection to obtain the long awaited occupancy permit.

In the meantime, we have received 3 bids for the installation of the audio-visual equipment for the new spaces and are evaluating the pros and cons of each. Our decor committee has finalized furniture and design options. And if you look through the window in the door to the Immaculata Room, you will notice that the fully restored stained glass image of Our Lady has been installed. Its looks beautiful!

When will the rooms be open for use?

Before either room may be used at all, we must have the approved occupancy permits. At this time, I cannot give any specific time frame for when those permits will be in place but coordination for a date is being pursued with the respective parties.

Secondarily, while we have the financial resources to cover all the construction costs, we do not have the total funds needed to purchase the previously mentioned furnishings and assorted items. Therefore, the rooms will not be open for use until the AV equipment and furnishings are in place. We need to collect approximately $168,900 in order to fund the project fully.

As always, if you would like to financially support our campaign, please click on the “Donate Now” button found at Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support.

In Christ,

Fr. Jim Riehle

What is Almost Home?

In the Fall of 2022, the estimated cost to build and furnish the Community Room and Meeting Room was $1,500,000.  This included the estimated cost to relocate Rachel’s Garden. 

The staff overseeing the relocation of the Rachel statue, along with a parishioner advisory team and the contractor, was able to complete this portion of the project for much less.  Therefore, the estimated total project cost is now $1,300,000.

In terms of the rest of the expansion, Conger Construction’s work should be completed by the end of December.  We hope to begin furnishing the new space after January 1st, depending on how quickly additional donations are received.

With the adjusted goal of $1,300,000 and donations of $1,135,938, we still need $164,062* in additional donations between now and the end of the year. Check the bulletin for weekly financial updates for Almost Home.

Thank you to the many parishioners who have stepped up and brought us to this point.  We are extremely grateful for your support!

This project benefits our entire parish.  Please prayerfully consider how this new space will benefit your family, both now and in the future.  If you have not yet donated to Almost Home, or can make an additional contribution, we need your help to bring this project to a successful conclusion by the end of 2023.

Updated Goal: $1,300,000

*as of 05/15/2024