Saint Max Church

Prayers for the Sick

All praise and glory is yours, Lord our God, for you have called us to serve you in love. 
Bless N., so that he/she may bear this illness in union with your Son's obedient suffering. 
Restore him/her to health, and lead him/her to glory. 
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

A Blessing Prayer for Those Who Are Sick Excerpts from the English translation of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum © 1982, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved

Your healing prayers are requested for...

Dorie Allen
Brandon Barkley
Kathy Baur
Randy Bauer
Kayla Beyerlein
Don Bonham
Sue Bruns
Ric Burkett
Cheryl Calega
Pete Catanzaro
Terry Chapman
Thomas Collins
Jose Colon

Dr. Michael Cushing
Annabelle Davis
Angelique Debets
Ashley Douglas
John Dunn
Bill Ebben
Jackson Eberhart
Ken Eberhart
Gaye Eubanks-Hollenkamp
Christine Ferraro 
​Tim Fischer
Laura Ford
Dave Forest
Griffin Franke
Levi Gasner
Tim Glardon
Bob Gloeckner
Amelia Patricia Gresla
Natalie Grosick 
Gary Hampton
John Harmon
John Hendy Jr.
Al Higgins
Peg Hill
Alicia Hollenkamp-Adkins
Jill Holt
Angela Honnigford
Mary Lou Honnigford
Judy Hughes

Sr. Deb Huss


Maureen Imfeld
Jean Johantges
Andrew Johnson
John Jordan
Joseph Kajaye 
Cathy King
Hank Kluznick
Liz Korth
Dr. Mark Krabbe
Shirley Kreider
Chrissy Kurtz
Mike Lawson
Pam Lawson
Shibu Lukose
Tom Lutz
Celeste Mandela
Joe Marksteiner
John Mattingly
Chris Meade
Andrew Meister
Jacob Meister
Connie Michael
Pat Miller
Timothy Miller
Robbie Mitchell
Don Mollis
Trudy Montgomery
Donna Moore
Neil Moore
Holly Moran
Jon Moran
Nicco Morello
Bob and Dani Morosic 
Donald Mote
Trevor Vincent Munafo
Bill Murphy
Jenn Nasca
Victor Nguyen
William Nguyen
Shawn Nieman
Bernice Oxier


Maureen Palmatary
Ben Palsa
Madeline Pecak
Scott Peota
Lia Pham
Charlie Pierce
Karen Pletikapich
Mona Prewitt
Nancy Prince
Donna R.
Agnes Rahman
Jeaneen Rausch
Margaret Reagan
Karen Reynolds 
Quintin Richardson
Andrew Richardson
Joseph Romer
Kevin Rowland
Romeo P. Sabellano, Sr.
Victor Rolando Sarmiento
Maureen Savage
Francesca Scheper
Kathleen Seda
Jo Ann Staab
Eric Stearman
John David Stitt
Michelle Tomblin
Gabriela Aleman Torres
Case VanGorp
Gloria Vesper
Mick Waggoner
Chuck Walker
John Wallace
Vito Weeda
Monique Weis
Debra West
Isaiah White
Jack Williams
Ronald Williston
Sue Williston 
Laura Wojciechowski
Bonnie Woll
Christine Zampese