Saint Max Church



If you volunteer with children at St. Max, please take a few moments to read this. Thank you.

No cleric, employee or regular volunteer is to have contact with children without first being approved by the Archdiocese. At St. Max we encourage all volunteers, whether they have contact with children or not, to complete the child protection training.  Approval consists of completing a child protection training, staying current on training bulletins, and an online background check. All regular volunteers who have contact with children must be approved before beginning ministry. We trust you will understand the need to be 100% compliant as your dedication to our children is evidence of your love and concern for them. If you have any questions about your status as a volunteer, please contact the parish office, 513-777-4322.

ALL PARISH VOLUNTEERS: NEW CHILD PROTECTION PLATFORM - In July 2021, the archdiocese moved from Virtus to SafeParish as the new platform for Child Protection training and compliance. SafeParish is an organization that specializes in training and education solutions for organizations worldwide. They have 20+ years of experience in providing child safe environment training programs. SafeParish will continue to work with our current background check provider Even if you were Virtus trained, you will still need to register for SafeParish, complete training, and background in order to be compliant. To remain compliant, ongoing child protection training will be required for all volunteers and employees, consisting of quarterly interactive video-based training.  Note: All tasks are completed online!  

SAFEPARISH REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS (Read through all directions before starting so that you can be prepared with necessary items to complete training). 

Go to

Click "Register" on the top right of the home page.

Enter the passcode protectcincy when prompted.

Select the location from the drop down where you are employed or volunteer.

Click the role(s) associated with your employment/service at the parish, school, or Archdiocesan institution. Select a sub-role from the drop down to describe your employment/service at this location.

If you are active at only this location, this will be your primary location.

If you are active at more than one location, click the ADD PARISH/LOCATION button and repeat the steps above. With more than one location, please click the "This is my main/primary location" radio button to indicate where you are employed or, if you are a volunteer, where most of your ministry or service is performed.

Complete your personal information. Please enter your legal name for the purposes of the background screening. There are no credit checks and no soft hits to credit.

Create a username, password and password clue.

Agree to the Terms of Use and click SUBMIT.

You will be prompted to submit information for a background screening through If you need St. Max to pay for your background check ($25), contact Mary Lou Baker before registering for SafeParish  to get your Fastrax token:

You will be required to acknowledge that you have downloaded and accepted the terms of the Decree.

You will be prompted to view the video: SafeParish: Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse — Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Once you have completed the required background checks and child protect training, you will be prompted to click the link to Continue to the Home Page.

Your registration is complete!

If you need to go back into SafeParish to complete background check requirements or training, log into SafeParish and click "My Accont" on the yellow task bar.  Tasks in your approval task box will be filled in if complete.  If a box is not filled in, click the live links next to the box to access these requirements. Tasks may be completed all at once or separately at your convenience. When all compliance requirements have been completed, your account will be approved, and you will be clear to work/volunteer with youth.  Since ongoing traininig is only assigned quarterly, you might overlook emails about training due and other tasks.  Helpful Tip:  Make a note to log into your SafeParish account (at least quarterly) to see if you are up to date on everything. 

Background Check

SELECTION.COM, a national, Catholic faith-based background check company located in the Cincinnati area, provides all background check services for the Archdiocese. The background check is done online. There is a $25 cost for the background check. St. Max will pay for our volunteers; you must contact Mary Lou Baker at in advance for a code to use during the SELECTiON.COM registration.

Thanks for your ongoing commitment to keeping our children safe!

Ministry Contacts

Mary Lou Baker
(513) 777-4322
Ext 120
Faith Formation Registration

Faith Formation Registration

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Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi

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Eucharistic Revival

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