Saint Max Church

Parish Choir

Parish Choir

The St. Max Parish Choir is the epitome of what music ministry is all about; the blending of voices, talents, and love of the Lord to lead and support our assembly in sung prayer. In the Parish Choir, we strive to have a well-balanced repertoire of both styles and difficulty; for enjoyable, sing-able, and beautiful music while also continually working on music that challenges us and helps us grow. We need skilled singers and amateurs alike. There’s room for everyone.  The only prerequisite is that you love to sing and you love the Lord. Don’t worry, you’ll learn as you go along without even realizing it. All while making a glorious sound with your heart in rhythm with your fellow choristers.

For more information, contact Ron Miller, Director of Music Ministry at 513-777-4322 Ext. 108 or

Register for the Parish Choir
